
PyODE is a set of open-source Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine, an open-source physics engine. PyODE also includes an XODE parser. Like ODE, PyODE may be distributed under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License or a BSD-style license.

The Soureforge project page is here.


  1. News
  2. Download
  3. Getting Started
  4. API Reference
  5. Mailing List


2010-03-22-PyODE snapshot released

This is the first version with an official Windows build since PyODE 1.2.0 (thanks Alex Dumitrache). This version has support for linear/angular damping (thanks Tristam MacDonald) as well as kinematic bodies (thanks Alex Dumitrache).

2007-02-07—PyODE 1.2.0 released

See the ChangeLog for changes since version 1.1.0. Most importantly, ODE 0.7 and 0.8 are now supported.

2005-07-08—PyODE 1.1.0 released

See the ChangeLog for changes since version 1.0.0.


All these files can be found on our project files page.


These packages have no external dependencies besides Python.

  1. PyODE snapshot 2010-03-22 Windows Installer for Python 2.6.
  2. PyODE snapshot 2010-03-22 Windows Installer for Python 2.5.


To install a source package, extract the archive and run python install. See the INSTALL file for information about dependencies.

  1. PyODE snapshot 2010-03-22 zip archive.
  2. PyODE snapshot 2010-03-22 .tar.bz2 archive.
  3. PyODE snapshot 2010-03-22 .tar.gz archive.

Source repository

The latest under-development sources are in our Sourceforge CVS respostitory under the module name "pyode".

We also have a git mirror (gitweb):


Getting Started

PyODE does not wrap ODE's API directly but changes it slightly to give a more Pythonic feel: structures like dBody or dJoint and the functions that operate on them have been merged into classes. See the API Reference for further information.

There are three tutorials which you can read online:

Tutorial 1—The basics.
Creating a world, a body and a simulation loop.
Tutorial 2—Connecting bodies with joints.
Creating a double pendulum and using motors.
Tutorial 3—Collision detection.
Preventing bodies from interpenetration.

The PyODE distribution contains the tutorials source code and other examples in the examples/ subdirectory.

API Reference

You can read the online Epydoc-generated API reference.

Mailing List

For help, you can join the Pyode-user mailing list. Logo